Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How has CPSI helped me Create, Innovate and Lead Change?

Attend CPSI Conference to increase the odds for the Certainty of Probability and the Probability of Certainty.

Since 1989, I applied my version of creativity, and revived an ancient art of Suminagashi to become what is known today as Painting On Water™. For years, I applied various ideas and ways to paint on the water surface. Sometimes with great success, other times with frustrations to no end.

Eventually I figured out a shift of perception and attitude that led to my work these days. In 2006, I prepared a one-person show at the Illinois Institute of Technology, titled: The Probability of Certainty.

That summer, I attended my first CPSI in Chicago, after Gregg Fraley told me about CPSI numerous time. By then, I already had made my contribution of creativity in the engineering research and in the art field. However, I still took the basic "Springboard" offered by CPSI.

"Why? Was that a waste of time?" some asked.

First of all, the program gave me the vocabulary and the language to communicate with other innovators. It's like knowing calculus when speaking to the physicists. Sharing a common language expedites the speed of communication.

And, it is also about the attitude. A waste of time is when you think you knew it all and did it all. Innovation and positive change happen when you have an open mind. Ready to see the uniqueness among the common. Prepare to catch what standout in a most familiar setting.

That's when you might get that precious light bulb moment. The best way to increase your odds is to have the sense of certainty and probability, simultaneously.

CPSI is known to be the oldest creativity conference on earth with new comers all the time. It draws people there year after year. Its success, I believe, is that it offers both the new and the old, the proven traditional way as well as the cutting edge way of thinking, doing, playing and being.

What CPSI helped me is that I can be a practitioner and a leader, a student and a teacher, all at the same gathering.

I learned much from CPSI. It will be an honor to share three more topics at this upcoming conference: a pre-conference program, an ice breaker at the general opening and a break out session.

If you would like to increase your odds for the Certainty of Probability or the Probability of Certainty for innovation, please come join the rest of us.

Reserve your space. Sign up now.

Here are more blogs about CPSI:

Missy Carvin organized a CPSI Blog Party.
Roger von Oech, author of A Whack On The Side of The Head
Gregg Fraley, author of Jack's Note Book;
Jonathan Vehar, author of More Lightning, Less Thunder;
Maggie Dugan, about Creativity in Europe;
Tom Fishburn, cartoonist on Creativity;